Selecting Injection Molds

Weighing Cost versus Productivity

Von Rees, Herbert / Catoen, Bruce

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ISBN-13 978-3-446-40308-6
Erscheinungsjahr 2006
Verlag Hanser Verlag
Ausgabe 1st edition
Umfang / Format 240 pp., Hardcover
Medium Buch
This book explains to the mold designer the importance of knowing the expected productivity of the mold and how this information affects the cost of the planned mold and the cost of the molded product. It suggests many approaches to reduce mold cost and also to improve productivity by often just simple design changes. Above all, it emphasizes again and again that the ultimate goal is not to procure the lowest cost but to produce the lowest cost product.
How to approach selection of the mold features
How productivity affects mold selection
How selection of design features affects mold cost
How to reduce mold and product cost by simple design changes
How to approach estimating a mold cost
Mehr Informationen
ISBN-13 978-3-446-40308-6
Erscheinungsjahr 2006
Verlag Hanser Verlag
Ausgabe 1st edition
Umfang / Format 240 pp., Hardcover
Medium Buch