Film Processing Advances

This volume deals with manufacturing processes for preparing very thin polymer products.

Von Kanai, Toshitaka / Campbell, Gregory

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ISBN-13 978-1-56990-529-6
Erscheinungsjahr 2014
Verlag Hanser Verlag
Ausgabe 2nd edition 2014
Umfang / Format 400 pp., Hardcover
Medium Buch
Many professionals working on polymer films have requested that a newer version of Film Processing be published that includes more recent technologies and addresses the latest literature. Film Processing Advances provides a timely response to these requests. This edition is still a technically oriented book to be used by film processing professionals, graduate students, and researchers and it covers recent technologies of film extrusion, extruder screw design, die design, film structure, film temperature, crystallization dynamics, and film properties. Furthermore, Film Processing Advances focuses on multilayered films and recent developments relating to high performance films. The chapters in this edition are all essentially new and were designed to complement the materials found in "Film Processing", which remains a relevant and important information resource.
Extruder and Screw Design for Film Processing

Kinematics, Dynamics, Crystallization, and Thermal Characteristics

Multilayer Die Design and Film Structures

Die Flow Analysis and Mathematical Modeling of Film Blowing

T-Die Film Casting

An Overview of Molten Polymer Drawing Instabilities

Biaxially Oriented Tentering Film

Structure Development in Uniaxial and Biaxial Film Stretching

Double Bubble Tubular Film Extrusion

Double Bubble Tubular Film Process, Polymer Design, and its Application

Highly Transparent Polypropylene Sheets
Mehr Informationen
ISBN-13 978-1-56990-529-6
Erscheinungsjahr 2014
Verlag Hanser Verlag
Ausgabe 2nd edition 2014
Umfang / Format 400 pp., Hardcover
Medium Buch